Launching our SEM Doctor Service

Using a SEM doctor is essential when you have an injury and it could be a combination of factors that are causing the issue. Or where you want to discuss performance and how you are as an individual and wish for someone to consider you as a whole person rather than how an injury presents.

SEM doctors are trained individuals usually as a SEM consultant or as a GP with a special interest in Sports and Exercise medicine.

In our ambition to be the reliable platform for individuals to access appropriate care and support from for their Sports and Exercise injuries, performance and general wellbeing we wanted to bring SEM to you.

This service is starting up from the 22nd January and will continue to add more practitioners and locations to our networks.

It is important to consider what you want from your SEM doctor when you meet with them, but also consider costs and any potential treatment options.

We have written articles on choosing the right professional for your injury within our membership.

The value that an SEM doctor brings to an individual athlete is outstanding when used in the right way for your injury rehabilitation or when you are wanting to look at multiple issues in your performance.

Sign up to our free individual membership for further details.


February Update - What is new…

