February Update - What is new…

We wanted to provide an update to everything new that we have placed on the site to help elite and amateur athletes.

Elite Athletes and Clubs

We have added a greater range of blood tests, and we plan on adding the finger prick testing into the Elite sports services by mid February.

We are open to working with clubs to benefit from some of our partnerships and have a direct link with some of our partners.

Access to imaging facilities continues to grow, adding into the Pro-Scan Imaging (working within Pall Mall Medical), we are beginning to develop relationships with other sites across the UK.

Individual and Amateur Athletes

We have added a greater range of blood tests within the membership section. This enables us to look after some of the athlete general health too. This includes nutrition blood test and PSA test for Prostate Cancer.

We recognise that some of our athletes need Sports and Exercise Medicine Consultant/Doctor support, and therefore we have brought access (currently limited geographies) to these services - we would like to continue to grow this service provision.

In our individual membership section we have added a few new partnerships and they are offering our members discounts or exclusive opportunities. Our new partnerships include:

  • OTE Sports Nutrition

  • Pulsio Recovery Aids

  • Withings Smart Devices

  • SUMS running socks (these are epic socks!)

  • PARIA cycling kit

We continue to have access to sports physiology and human performance appointments at Leeds Beckett University for those wishing to develop their running or cycling technique. This is open to anyone to access and will help sort niggles, or help develop you further around what you want to gain on the bike or whilst training for a marathon.

We have continued to add blog articles into our individual membership to help support and guide individuals with their training and exercise.

Please take ten moments to have a look and explore what is new on the site.

Have a great weekend!


Unlock Your Athletic Potential with Our Free Membership!


Launching our SEM Doctor Service