Clinical and Service Quality.

Our Clinical and Service Quality Markers

  • Our Aim:

    • To be the leading global sports medical platform by 2028.

    Our objectives:

    • To provide online concierge service for sports clubs and individual athletes.

    • To provide cost effective, high quality, accessible services for those who participate in sport, health and wellbeing activities.

    • To support an athlete access services in a timely manner.

    Our service provision:

    We provide the following services:

    • We provide a concierge service for athletes to access healthcare services in an easy and effective manner.

    • We provide a single access point for sports medical provision

    • We provide diagnostic reports through contracted services following MRI and diagnostic scanning.

    Meeting the need of people who use our services:

    • Each of our contracted provider sites must have a CQC registration in place

    • They must be able to provide accessible services and highlight any temporary issues

    • Our website is designed for use by third party accessibility tools.

    Contact details:

    Our Legal Entity:

    Our legal entity is Knexu Sport Limited, wholly owned by Knexu Limited.

    Companies House number 14757721

    Our insurance is provided through Hiscox Insurance.

    Locations of Services:

    Our services are all provided online through our website


    Our statement of purpose has been agreed on the 22nd February 2024.

  • External Providers: Physiotherapy, SEM, Human Performance and Sports Science.

    Medical records that happen are currently held by the provider of the service e.g. if a patient sees a Physiotherapist, the physiotherapist would be responsible for keeping the patient notes.

    External Providers: Diagnostic Imaging and Radiologists.

    The only data held by Knexu Sport Limited is for diagnostic imaging such as MRI, CT and Xray. This data is held within PACSmail and within secure servers.

    The data held is the MRI image, MRI report and any appropriate images for the report.

    The reports once written are sent direct from Radiologist to the Referring Clinician. A copy is sent to Knexu Sport Limited.

    Data held for Diagnostic Imaging and Radiologist Reporting:

    • Initial Referral (online platform)

    • Appointment Time (online platform)

    • Safety Questionnaire (online platform)

    • Referring Clinician (online platform)

    • MRI/Diagnostic Images (PACSmail)

    • Radiologist Report (Email and PACSmail)

    • Invoicing Details – Individual Name and DOB. (Secure Microsoft 365 Server)

    External Providers: Blood Testing

    The data that is accessible by Knexu Sport Limited is the full patient details and blood report.

    Data held/accessible for Blood Testing:

    • Patient Details (online platform)

    • Blood Test requested (online platform)

    • Blood Test results (Provider platform)

    Patient Requests:

    All information is available to the patient. We will respond and provide full information within 3 working days.

    Patient Request: Deleting the Patient Record:

    If a patient requests for their details to be deleted and all medical information removed this will be undertaken within 5 working days.

    Data Management: deleting a patient record:

    We will retain patient information for a period of 3 active years. At which point we will inform the patient that we will archive their records. We will retain those records for 10 years.

  • We will ensure that we assess and monitor the quality of service through the following:

    Audit Schedule Diagnostic Imaging:

    • 100% of all appointments have a referral.

    • 100% all referrals have a report.

    • 100% of all reports follow details of scan and conclusion.

    • 98% of reports are sent within 24 hours of the scan images being received by the radiologist.

    • 100% of all reports are sent in a follow up PDF format.

    • 100% of all reports held in PACSmail

    Audit Schedule Blood Testing:

    • 100% of all blood tests receive a report.

    • 100% of all blood test reports are released to patient within 1 working day.

    • 100% of all blood tests undertaken at home have a doctor report.

    • 98% of patients do not retest within 4 weeks unless patient is part of concussion protocols.

    • 100% of all blood tests have correct details recorded.

    Audits are undertaken monthly.

  • Knexu Sport Limited will seek feedback from all individuals on using the service. This will be in a standard questionnaire form.

    The standard questionnaire will be emailed to individuals to complete. It will be done on a quarterly basis.

    The questionnaire will have the following elements:

    • How you found accessing services?

    • How was the experience of your whole pathway?

    • Would you recommend the platform?

    • Did we meet expectations?

    The results of this will be published annually and will have an accompanying action plan.

    Within our feedback from service users we will also deem critical points within a patient journey as points of learning. These critical points are:

    • Refund for services

    • Replacement of products (e.g. blood tests)

    We also have our complaints, concerns, compliments, and comments for patients. This enables us to respond to the 4Cs within 24 working hours and will work to resolve patient queries in line with our feedback policy.

  • Our platform is built to allow individuals a safe and secure online experience. Our site is fully digital compliant and our systems allow for safe storage of medical information.

    As a provider we do not assess any care needs of individuals, our system is built where health care professionals can refer into clinical services as part of their care plan.

    We have measures in place to ensure that individuals are not over testing. This includes monitoring:

    • Regular usage of scanning on a particular patient.

    • Regular ordering of blood tests.

    All our contracted services have a clinical handoff point:

    • For blood testing this is a doctors review and recommendation on any required interventions or clinical services

    • For imaging, a report which requires other opinion or further intervention is added within the conclusion.

    Any other risks that are managed through the platform would be:

    • Where an individual seeks help for services that we do not provide – we would refer to their GP or ask to contact NHS 111 service.

    • Where a request that comes in asking for immediate help, or risk to life we would ask for the details of the individual and would pass these on immediately to the police as per our safeguarding policy.

    Where an individual may “service hop” and request services across multiple locations to avoid any suspicious behaviour patterns, we would review referrals and ask the referring clinician to confirm that the patient was not acting in any suspicious manner. Where required this would be escalated using our safeguarding policy.