Leeds Beckett University - Biomechanics Event

Calling all MSK Practitioners - Leeds Beckett University have an event on Using Biomechanical Techniques as an Adjunct Service to Enhance Your Current Practice along with an open event on their facility for you to view their facilities.

LBU extend you a warm invitation to join us at our upcoming Biomechanics Showcase Event on 22nd January 2024 from 14:00 to 16:30 at the Carnegie School of Sport, Leeds Beckett University.

We will explore how precise biomechanical diagnostics can provide an adjunct service to your treatment and rehabilitation plans to improve patient outcomes. Discover cutting-edge biomechanical technology, explore personalised assessments, and network with MSK specialists.

Event Highlights:

·       Welcome and Case Studies

·       Guided Tour of Facilities

·       Overview of Biomechanical Services

·       Networking and Refreshments

Why Attend:

·       Explore advanced 3D movement analysis technology.

·       Enhance clinical decision-making with personalised assessments.

·       Network with MSK specialists

For your convenience, you can book your attendance through our MSK Showcase Event. We also encourage you to share this invitation with any MSK Healthcare Practitioners who may find this event beneficial.

We look forward to welcoming you to this informative and interactive event. Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out.

Lastly, if you would like to know more about our other sport science services, then please click here.

You can book online for the event at:


Want to book your patients in for a biomechanics assessment? https://buff.ly/3S2yN1l


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