We have launched

We had envisaged launching at the end of May, however we knew something just didn’t feel right in the user experience of what we had built. Instead we decided to restart and see if our products and services came out the same - they didn’t. We built a platform with a difference. We removed the unnatural way of creating appointments. We gave wider categories to allow clubs to really navigate our service offered.

Whilst getting to this stage we wanted to make sure that we kept true to our goal. This wasn’t about providing any direct clinical services, it wasn’t about developing a recruitment agency or staffing supply. It was very much about connecting people to supply services to the clubs - with clubs taking ownership of this. It was about a platform that helps coordinate and simplify.

We know that there are companies in the market who provide imaging direct, who provide medical cover on contract and we know there are consultants who provide routes to market. However when a club needs that coverage nationally across all areas, as a facilitated service then there is nothing like this in the UK. We are unique in this offering, and no other provider offers this service or platform approach.

That is why we launched our sports platform.

Our platform is open for members these include:

  • Any medical and clinical services provider or individual - Orthopaedic Surgeons, Imaging Sites, Physiology Testing

  • Any doctors or physios

  • Any sports clubs

  • Any start ups specialising in sports and med techs.

So where we are at; we have launched the memberships today, we have also kept our appointments online ready for members to access and our sports medical record launches in Summer 2023.

Today, we gained our first members. This is a milestone for us. Thank you for being on our journey.

Feedback on what we have developed would be welcome, drop your thoughts to sport@knexu.co.uk

Our platform is here to help your athletes perform, play and achieve their best.




Developing the best sports ecosystem in the world.