3 months in.

The platform that we have built is now 3 months in. We wanted to take some time to reflect on where we have got to. Partly so we can share our progress, but more importantly that we can keep a marker in the sand to showcase our achievements.

This journey has had ups and downs, lessons learnt and continuous improvement on our platform - listening and changing and developing.

The journey highlights so far:

  • We have agreements with national providers for services,

  • We have a network of 15 scanners across the UK, and increasing,

  • We have a pipeline of activity coming onboard for the next 3 months,

  • The conversations we have had about use of our platform have been global,

  • Industry, NGO and Schemes have been supportive of our model and its development.

What we have learnt:

  • Do not try to make something fit, make the solution the right solution even if it costs time and resources - getting the product right is key.

  • Pricing is essential and open financial modelling is key - across the supply chain and to our customers

  • Things take time - our model is about building the largest platform for sports medicine globally. This doesnt happen overnight.

Key Data:

  • We have a break even profit and loss for the day to day operations - something that we see as incredibly successful for any digital platform launch

  • We have had continued growth in activity across the platform - with a strong 50% return rate on stakeholders

  • Our month on month revenue continues to increase

The next 3 months:

  • More services to come on board - we expect that we will have another 3 providers of sports services coming on board to use our platform

  • We fully open our platform for anyone with a injury across sporting spheres - whether amateur or elite

  • We continue our work with educational establishments to utilise our data models for AI

If anyone wishes to discuss our journey, please feel free to drop an email to luke.minshall@knexu.co.uk

We would like to thank everyone for their support, for their continued words of encouragement, advice and guidance.

Thank you

Luke Minshall

CEO and Founder.


We have teamed up with Leeds Beckett University Carnegie School of Sport.


Our second reporting service is available around the globe.