Our Clinical Team

  • Dr Phil O'Connor - Radiologist

    Dr Phil O’Connor trained in medicine in St Andrew and Manchester. He undertook radiology training in Leeds, North Carolina and Leiden and was appointed consultant MSK Radiologist at Leeds in 1996. He helped develop the team of 8 MSK radiologists currently in Leeds.

    The team has an international reputation for clinical, academic and educational excellence in MSK radiology holding offices of responsibility within all international musculoskeletal radiology societies.

    Dr O’Connor is a full time MSK radiologist with over 20 years of sports imaging experience predominantly in soccer, cricket, golf, athletics and rugby.

    Dr O’Connor was the imaging lead for the 2012 Olympics and organised radiology services for the commonwealth games in Manchester and the WIA championships in Birmingham.

    Dr O’Connor is a member of the European tour PGA medical advisory board and in the past has been a member of the ECB medical advisory committee. He is a council member for the Faculty of sport and exercise medicine UK.

    In education Dr O’Connor lectures widely on MSK radiology and was a key member of the Radiology Academies and integrated training initiative of the RCR and DoH. He has served as program director for the Leeds and West Yorkshire training scheme until 2008 and is co-founder and organiser of the Leeds-Oxford British musculoskeletal ultrasound course which was the first musculoskeletal ultrasound course in the UK running from 1996 to the present day.

    Dr O’Connor has 3 children, enjoys golf, fine wine, cooking and travel. He thinks he has a good sense of humour.

  • Dr Philip Robinson - Radiologist

    Dr Philip Robinson performs all aspects of musculoskeletal radiology and intervention including imaging elite athletes and sarcoma imaging. He graduated from Queen’s University Belfast Medical School in 1991 and initially trained in Medicine. He obtained MRCP in 1994 and entered radiology training at the University of Manchester in 1995 obtaining the FRCR in 1998. He completed a fellowship in musculoskeletal radiology at the University of Toronto in 2000. He was appointed a Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in 2001.

    Positions held by Philip have been:

    • Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    • Honorary Clinical Associate Professor University of Leeds and Biomedical Research Centre.

    • Associate of the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis: a consortium of Nottingham, Oxford, Southampton, Bath, Loughborough, UCL and Leeds Universities investigating the relationship between acute and overuse injury and subsequent Osteoarthritis

    • Clinical Director for Leeds Radiology 2012 - 2018

    • BSSR President 2018-2020

    • Joint Chief Editor of Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

    • Medical Advisor to the European PGA Tour

  • Dr Emma Rowbotham - Radiologist

    Dr Emma Rowbotham trained at St Andrews University between 1996 and 2000 and obtained a 1st class degree in Medical Science before moving to Emmanuel College, Cambridge University where she graduated in 2002.

    She then completed junior surgical rotations between Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh and Leeds and obtained FRCS membership in 2005 and entered Radiology training at the Leeds Academy in 1996.

    Following a 5 year period of training she then completed her Fellowship in Leeds in 2012. Her first Consultant post was at the Royal United Hospital in Bath where she became involved in a variety of aspects of sports radiology before moving back to Leeds in 2014 to take up her role as Consultant Radiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.

    Dr Rowbotham has co-authored a text book for the FRCR 2a examination, authored several peer reviewed papers focusing primarily on imaging in rheumatology and written 7 book chapters. Her main research interest is in rheumatology imaging. She is keen on teaching both undergraduates and radiology trainees and is currently the MSK Lead for the Leeds Radiology Academy.

  • Dr Bill Pass - Radiologist

    Dr Bill Pass underwent medical training at Leeds University with post graduate radiology training at the West Yorkshire Radiology Academy with sub specialist training in musculoskeletal radiology in Leeds. He then travelled to Perth, Western Australia undertaking a post CCT Musculoskeletal Fellowship.

    Upon fellowship completion in 2016, he was appointed as a Consultant Radiologist at York Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust specialising in musculoskeletal imaging. During this post he was actively involved in teaching, training radiologists from both the West Yorkshire Radiology Academy and the East Yorkshire training scheme. He held the post of Honorary Senior Lecturer at Hull York Medical School and was actively involved in undergraduate medial education.

    In 2019, Dr Pass moved back to Leeds taking up the role of Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist where he performs all aspects of musculoskeletal radiology and intervention including sports and sarcoma imaging. As Honorary Senior Lecturer for the University of Leeds he continues to be actively involved in education, including teaching at the Radiology Academy and acting as educational and clinical supervisor for registrars.